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Healthier Campus, Healthier Communities

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When one mentions the phrase "Healthy Campus" what comes to your mind? More fitness facilities within NUS? Healthier food options in the canteens? Or is it the culture and importance of health?


Health itself has multiple dimensions. A healthy campus would mean transforming NUS into the healthiest place to work, live and learn. This entails transforming both the hardware (facilities, infrastructure) and also the software (policies, values, culture and norms) of the entire campus. 

The Healthy Campus Initiative is a joint project between the MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT), National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The goal of the Healthy Campus Initiative is for NUS and NTU to implement an integrated, comprehensive set of measures targeted at fostering a Culture that values health, an Environment that makes healthy living the default and easy and choice, and a supportive Operating System where health is considered in all university policies (C-E-O approach).


The end goal is a change in people's attitudes, norms and values towards health, resulting in long-term behavioural change.


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Public Health Challenge 2022
The NUS Public Health Challenge aims to bring together undergraduate and graduate students across various faculties and disciplines to brainstorm, innovate and develop workable solutions to address public health issues within the NUS student population.

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Spectrum, the winner of the Public Health Challenge 2020, is a mental health advocacy movement committed to enhancing the mental health culture within our close communities. In its name itself, we aim to shift stigma perceptions of mental health towards envisioning our mental health on a spectrum where we are able to seek and give help to our friends. We aim to promote mental wellness in our NUS community by reducing stigma and increasing help-seeking and help-giving behaviors. Our advocacy grounds itself on solutions found in research and data analytics solutions. More importantly, we seek to serve a student-led approach to mental health in identifying and satisfying the mental health needs of our NUS students by ground-up initiatives.


Heart to Health Talk 

HTHT is a podcast about all things health related to youth. From battling FOMO, balancing sleep or finding our own healthy body. We’ll have conversation from the heart to understand these health issues, how they emerge & how we may tackle them. Featuring stories and experiences from experts, friends and strangers, join us as we explore and find out what health means to us! Tune in to our podcasts here or reach us on Instagram at @hearttohealthtalk.


Project 40cents

This project aims to raise awareness about the healthier food options available in NUS canteens. At the same time, it seeks to promote healthier eating by incentivising NUS students and staff with more affordable healthier food options. As such we debunk the myth that “healthier food are more expensive”!


New Normal New You

NNNY aims to influence inactive students to take action towards meeting WHO physical activity guidelines by providing students with a platform to visualise and track their physical activity.

Past Projects

  • Healthy Dining Programmes (ig: @nus_hdp)

  • Sleep Study

  • Public Health booth (educational) @ RunNUS

  • Public Health Challenge 2021 (Promoting Physical Acitivity in the New Normal)

  • Public Health Challenge 2020 (Mental Well-being)

  • Public Health Challenge 2019 (Eat Well, Move More)

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