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Public Health Challenge 2021




According to the World Health Organization, physical activity can be defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. 


Locally, a WHO study in 2018 indicated that 1 in 3 Singaporeans do not engage in enough physical activity. This troubling statistic is worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the circuit breaker and the recent Heightened Alert periods, where most students had to spend the bulk of their time at their desks listening to online lectures. Thus many have gotten used to the sedentary lifestyle promoted by COVID-19. 


Lack of physical activity is strongly associated with increased risk of developing irreversible chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and type-2 diabetes.


As such, for this year’s challenge, you are tasked to design an implementable solution that tackles the issue of physical inactivity within NUS. Do note that your ideas will have to be contextualised in the “new normal” settings that we are currently living in COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to students engaging in constructive discourse and in putting forth their best solutions to tackle this pertinent and pressing issue.

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We invite you to come up with a solution to combat this issue in this rendition of Public Health Challenge! 

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Step 1

Form a team of 2-4 students and sign up!

Step 2

Attend the webinar for crucial skills-based and topic-based insights

Step 3

Submit a 5 min video pitch and an executive summary. Teams would be shortlisted for the final round

Step 4

Prepare a 10-min presentation and present in the final round with QnA with our judges

What to do?

Build your team!

The challenge will be open to all NUS students (undergraduates and graduate students) to participate. Individuals are welcome to sign up as well! 

Teams of 2-4 students

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Tasks of the Team

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  1. Identify a specific target audience you want to intervene.

  2. Identify the main goal of your solution (i.e., the behaviour you want to target and improve on) by utilising the SMART principles.

  3. Propose workable and practical steps towards fulfilling a public health goal for a specific community (e.g., how to get NUS students to go for smoking cessation) using at least one of the Public Health Frameworks.

Additional Information:

  1. The medium of proposals may include but not limited to technological interventions, public health programmes, process improvements, structural changes and behaviour shaping advocacy work on campus

  2. It is highly recommended to avoid creating an application based solution as it is not feasible and challenging for Public Health Club to provide the necessary resources to translate the project into reality. 

  3. Teams are to evaluate the feasibility, sustainability (both short-term and long-term), innovativeness and its relevance to NUS in their proposals. 

  4. As a follow-up to Public Health Challenge 2021, NUS Public Health Club would then be collaborating with the winning project team to translate the project into reality. 


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31 Jul


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7 Aug

Preliminary Round

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14 Aug


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19 Aug

Advanced Submission

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21 Aug

Competition Day!

Assessment Criteria

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3-min Video Pitch and Executive Summary 

Preliminary Round

  • Submission of a 3 min video pitch

  • a 350 words executive summary

  • Submit a 10-minute presentation slides to the judges for critique before the competition 

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10-min Presentation

Final Round

  • 10-minute presentation to the panel of judges

  • live question and answer session where participants are expected to respond to the queries of the judging panel.

  • Participants are welcome to construct or demonstrate their prototype if applicable. 


All components of this challenge will be held online and participants (in teams of 2-4) stand a chance to win the following cash prizes:


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A $50 audience choice will also be up for grabs!


The winning teams will also get an opportunity to execute their idea in real life with the support of Public Health Challenge and NUS

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Dr Liow Chee Hsiang

Vice-Dean (Education) of the School of Public Health, National University of Singapore


Ms Soh Ying Hua

Health Promotion 

Consultant, NHGP

Certified Exercise 

Physiologist (ACSM)

Lifestyle Medicine Coach (ACLM)

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Ms Patricia Mondonedo

Assistant Director, Youth Engagement & Insights, Health Promotion Board  

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Mr Lawrence Sim

Head of Sports, Office of Student Affairs, National University of Singapore & Chairperson, Institute-Varsity-Polytechnic Sports Council


Our Judges


Dr Andrew Tay

Director& Head of the Health & Wellbeing Team (HWB), Office of the President

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Mr Lim Teck Yin

Chief Operating Officer, SportSG

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Mr Mathavan Devadas

President, Singapore Hockey Federation

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Ms Geraldine Soh

Manager, Youth Engagement & Insights, Health Promotion Board  

Organised and supported by

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