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Public health challenge 2020

Sign-ups are closed

Shadow on Concrete Wall


8 Aug



Speakers will present about various topics related to mental wellbeing

12 Aug

Preliminary Round
Submission of a 3 min video pitch and an executive summary. 6-8 teams would be shortlisted for the final round.

15 Aug



Shortlisted teams would be engaging in a 30-minutes live feedback session with their selected experts.

22 Aug

Competition Day


 Live Presentations and Q&A, Prize Presentations



Shadow on Concrete Wall

All components of this challenge will be held online and participants (in teams of 2-4) stand a chance to win the following cash prizes:









A $50 audience choice award will also be up for grabs!


The winning teams will also get an opportunity to execute their idea in real life with the support of Public Health Club and NUS





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Shadow on Concrete Wall

Webinar speakers


Dr Liow Chee Hsiang

Senior Lecturer, 

Vice-Dean (Education),

Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health


Prof Kua Ee Heok

Tan Geok Yin Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine


Ms Anthea Ong

Former Nominated Member of Parliament,
Parliament of Singapore,

Founder of WorkWell Leaders Workgroup, Hush TeaBar and A Good Space


Mr John Chng

Head of Office of Student Affairs, 

Student Wellness

Shadow on Concrete Wall

What to do

Step 1

Form a team of 2-4 students and sign up!




Step 2

Attend the webinar for crucial skills-based and topic-based insights



Step 3

Submit a 5 min video pitch and an executive summary. Teams would be shortlisted for the final round.


Step 4

Prepare a 10-min  presentation and present in the final round with QnA with our judges


Shadow on Concrete Wall

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as one’s state of mind, comprising both mental and psychological well being. More awareness and priority ought to be placed on addressing the rise of mental illness. This is especially true in the near future, where new norms of pandemics could result in increasing mental health fallout. 


Singapore has recently seen a spike in suicide rates due to mental illness, with youths as the demographic group most at risk. One of the major causes is the inability of youths to cope with the stress from the increasingly competitive education and employment sectors. In order to improve the well being of students, NUS has provided spaces for relaxation such as the PitStop and held various Wellness events throughout the semester. Nonetheless, more can be done to help students better manage their stress and to build greater mental resilience.


One major challenge in providing mental health support lies in the stigma and resulting discrimination against those with mental health disorders. While treatments are available, poor perception of mental illness prevents care and treatment from reaching people with mental health disorders.  Moreover, COVID-19 pandemic has brought its own unique set of stressors and made the services for mental health even less accessible. All considered, there is an urgent need for new solutions that are more resilient in offering support in these unprecedented times.









Therefore, we invite students to recognize the gaps in today’s efforts towards mental health, to spark conversations to how to better bridge the gap and to explore new ideas. We look forward to hearing your most innovative, effective solutions for improving students’ mental well-being in Public Health Challenge 2020!




Theme: Mental Wellbeing

Shadow on Concrete Wall

build your team

Teams of  2 to 4 students



The challenge will be open to all NUS students (undergraduates and graduate students) to participate. 


Individuals are welcome to sign up as well!

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Tasks of the team

  1. Identify the aspect of mental health and wellbeing to focus on.

  2. Propose workable and practical steps towards fulfilling a public health goal for the NUS community, using at least one of the Public Health Frameworks.

  3. The medium of the proposals may include but not limited to technological interventions, public health programmes, process improvements, structural changes, and behaviour shaping advocacy work on campus.

  4. Evaluate the feasibility, sustainability (both short-term and long-term) and its relevance to NUS in their proposals.

Shadow on Concrete Wall

Assessment criteria


Video Pitch and Executive Summary





Preliminary Round

  • submission of a video pitch with an accompanying executive summary

  • shortlisted teams will consult further with experts before competition day

Competition Day

  • live presentation to the panel of judges

  • live Q&A session 

  • participants are welcome to construct or demonstrate their prototype if applicable

The presentations will be judged on their: delivery, feasibility of implementation, innovation and projected effectiveness.

Shadow on Concrete Wall



Prof John Wong

Senior Vice-President (Health Innovation and Translation)

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Mr Koh Yan Leng

Associate Vice President,

Campus Life at National University of Singapore


Prof Chia Kee Seng


Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health


A/Prof Adeline Seow

Vice-Dean of Students,

Office of Student Affairs

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Dr Loke Wai Chiong

Clinical Director,

Ministry Of Health Office For Healthcare Transformation

Organised and supported by

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