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Public Health Challenge 2022

How can we promote, build and strengthen social relations (including family, friends, peers etc.) which play an important role in the social health of NUS students, in the post-COVID environment?



Social health, as defined by our ability to interact and form meaningful relationships with others, is one of the pillars of good health. More than just the prevention of mental illness and social problems, being socially healthy means an increased degree of happiness including a sense of belonging and concern for others. Meaningful social ties can provide individuals with socioemotional help such as emotional understanding, and hence support their basic social needs.


The Covid-19 pandemic has led to prolonged social isolation and uneasiness due to the increased restrictions and social distancing measures. This is of concern as perceived social isolation is a significant element of health-related quality of life during the pandemic.


In the context of NUS, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a shift to online classes in 2020, drastically limiting social interactions within the NUS community. Incoming freshmen and existing students had fewer opportunities available and accessible to form strong peer relationships which are significant contributors to our support system. A study reported that about 3 in 4 NUS students were at risk of depression, and the majority of the students experienced high stress levels and felt lonely. This is a cause for concern since establishing and strengthening psycho-socio-emotional wellness is key when entering adulthood. With prolonged social isolation, individuals’ social skills may have been impacted, and hence become less confident in interacting with others. 


As Covid-19 restrictions relax, it is crucial to build an environment that encourages the development of social skills and formation of meaningful relationships. At the institutional level, Public Health Challenge 2022 seeks to bridge this gap by providing students with the opportunity to ideate meaningful solutions that can encourage the formation of and strengthen social relationships within the NUS community. We look forward to students engaging in constructive discourse and in putting forth their best solutions to maximise this opportunity.



Step 1

Form a team of 2-4 students and sign up!

Step 2

Attend the webinar for crucial skills-based and topic-based insights

Step 3

Submit a 3 min video pitch and an executive summary. Teams would be shortlisted for the final round

Step 4

Prepare a 10-min presentation and present in the final round with QnA with our judges

Build your team!

Teams of 2-4 students

The challenge will be open to all NUS students (undergraduates and graduate students) to participate.


Individuals are welcome to sign up as well! Should there be participants who signed up without a group, an excel sheet will be provided where they can key in their details and the number of people they are looking for.


Tasks of the Team

  1. Identify the specific target audience they want to intervene.

  2. Identify the main goal of their solution by utilising the SMART principles.

  3. Propose workable and practical steps towards fulfilling a public health goal for a specific community using at least one of the Public Health frameworks

  4. The medium of proposals may include but not limited to technological interventions, public health programmes, process improvements, structural changes, and behavior shaping advocacy work on campus.

  5. Evaluate the feasibility, sustainability (both short-term and long-term), innovativeness and its relevance to NUS in their proposals



30 Jul



6 Aug




11 Aug





13 Aug


17 Aug


20 Aug


Advanced Submission



Assessment Criteria


Preliminary Round

3-min Video Pitch


Final Round

  • Submission of a 3 min video pitch

  • A 350 words executive summary

  • Shortlisted teams will have a consultation session with our mentors for the final round.

  • 10-minute presentation to the panel of judges

  • Live question and answer session where participants are expected to respond to the queries of the judging panel.

  • More focused on the extent that the project idea has been developed, both in terms of scope and depth

10-min Presentation


All components of this challenge will be held online and participants (in teams of 2-4) stand a chance to win the following cash prizes:





A $50 audience choice will also be up for grabs!


The winning teams will also get an opportunity to execute their idea in real life with the support of Public Health Challenge and NUS

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Dr Liow Chee Hsiang

Vice-Dean (Education) of the School of Public Health, National University of Singapore

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Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

Dr Vincent Chua

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Senior Manager, Youth Engagement & Insights, School Health Outreach Division

Mr Isaac Yee

Speaker 4_Dr Adrian Kuah (sq).png

​Director of Futures Office, National University of Singapore

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Speaker 5_Siu Chen Librarians 1.png

Research Librarians, NUS Libraries


Ms Lyndia
Ms Siu Chen

Dr Adrian Kuah

Organised and supported by

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