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From Club Member to Academics Director: How Public Health Club Shaped My Career Interests

Low Jun Chen

23 Jun 2023

Xu Ming (4th Academics Director) shares his firsthand account of the Public Health Club’s role in promoting opportunities to learn about Public Health and the relevant job sectors!

Disclaimer: All opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions and views of the NUS Public Health Club, the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and their respective affiliates or employees. 


Being in the Academics Department in his time in the Public Health Club (PHC), Xu Ming reminisced how he began his PHC journey as just a member. He expressed gratitude to the numerous opportunities he received that helped him find his bearings and figure out his career interests. 

Fast forward to being an Academics Director, Xu Ming explained his role with confidence: “Communicating with the professors, doctors and other public health stakeholders in PHC, together with publicising internship opportunities gave me a brief overview of the availability of public health careers available.” He was also given the chance to organise and host networking and career opportunity events. This combination of responsibilities greatly deepened his awareness of public health. Though he later developed an interest in pursuing the Sciences, he shared how much his appreciation for the public health sector has grown since his journey began with the Public Health Club.

Being much exposed to the public health sector through organising these events, what advice does Xu Ming have for students who are considering exploring public health as a career? Unabashed, he gave his heartfelt advice and insights: “Public health not only addresses the health problems we see in the society, communities, and globally; it also boils down to political and social factors affecting our health as well.” Unsurprisingly and true to his role (as Academics director), Xu Ming also directed at the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health’s minor and major public health programmes as an avenue students can begin their exploration, and also vouched for the various job sectors that welcome public health graduates.


Being the Academics Director wasn’t all smooth-sailing - Xu Ming acknowledged that there may have been hiccups along the way. While publicity may fall behind for the events they organise and may not reach their desired number of participants at times, Xu Ming and his department demonstrated resilience by ramping up publicity and striving for the best. He emphasised that as with all teams, teamwork and effective communication were key to the Academics department’s success as well.

The academics department of PHC was a place where Xu Ming had takeaways, be it about the public health sector or in terms of personal development. As Xu Ming concludes his PHC journey upon graduation, he hopes for the success of future events organised by the Academics Department.

We express our gratitude to the staff advisors at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Dr Andre Matthias Müller and Ms Wendy Tan Mei Ling, for their guidance and support provided to us in the PHC Alumni Relations Interview Series (AY2022/2023).

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