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Grace, the 5th President of the Public Health Club, Reveals What Inspired Her to Stay for 3 Years

Lim Zhi Qing Andrea

20 Jun 2023

Grace (5th EXCO President) shares her vision for the Public Health Club, her interests in health policy and why she stayed in the community for three years.

Disclaimer: All opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions and views of the NUS Public Health Club, the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and their respective affiliates or employees. 


A charismatic and driven individual, Grace, the 5th EXCO President, is a leader dedicated to bringing the public health community at NUS to greater heights. Bold in implementing new changes for the community, the Public Health Club (PHC) has recently expanded to include three new departments five years after its inception. Having been in the club for three years, Grace experienced first-hand how the club has grown over time as a safe space for NUS students to explore their passion in public health.

From a club member to the President, Grace reflected that “to be in the executive position feels surreal”. 

Her key interests have always revolved around public health research and policy-making. While her academic background in political science and public health initially fostered an appreciation for public health policy, her involvement in the club further deepened her interest.

Grace started out as a member in the pre-existing Research department in the then Public Health Interest Group. She participated in a case competition and assisted in research work with the NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. “I got to think about various non-communicable diseases, how to manage health misinformation and disinformation through technology, the tobacco policy in Southeast Asia, and especially ageing issues.” Her passion for public health is evident in how she emphasised that there is a need for more holistic population-wide strategy implementation in health. 

Being ambitious and determined, Grace clinched her recent internship in the Ministry of Health, which propelled her even further towards her field of interests. “I'm very interested in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, which entails tweaking lifestyle risk factors to promote population health. That's exactly why I'm there right now; I'm getting a taste of it, and I'm really enjoying it. So, I see myself being here in the future.”


The President of the 5th EXCO also believes in striving to do her best, keeping an open-mind and giving back to the community. As a leader, she encouraged students to join the Club in the shared endeavour of promoting public health. The Public Health Club gave her valuable opportunities to hone various soft skills that will stand her in good stead for public health leadership, and she hopes others will see the Club as a place to grow as well. She explained:

“The long and short of it is to just come in and try. We have events and activities to help you build a stronger connection to the discipline first, and if you want to have a stronger connection to those who are passionate in public health, or be personally involved in bringing public health into the NUS community through our projects, come join us as a member!

Having watched the Public Health Club evolve to where it is today, Grace shared that she desired to be a part of this vibrant community, ignited in the hope of greater public health. 

“I really wanted to immerse myself in that kind of environment. Everyone that I’ve connected with in Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health – I liked how they’re all very measured and rational about the possible constraints, and yet they’re all really nice people, passionate about the same, common goal.” 

Driven by her passion for public health, Grace looked for opportunities to grow and was captivated by the warm and supportive community she met in PHC. It inspired her to  remain an active member throughout her undergraduate years, to support others in their personal growth. 

We express our gratitude to the staff advisors at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Dr Andre Matthias Müller and Ms Wendy Tan Mei Ling, for their guidance and support provided to us in the PHC Alumni Relations Interview Series (AY2022/2023).

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