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Ming Kai’s Journey: From His Time at Public Health Club to a Population Health Research Officer

Koh Xin Qing Apple

30 Jun 2023

Ming Kai, who pursued a 2nd major in public health, recollects his time in the Public Health Club where he was involved in project SPECTRUM and reflects how his undergraduate education helped him in his role as population health research officer.

Disclaimer: All opinions and views expressed in this article are solely those of the individuals providing them and do not reflect the opinions and views of the NUS Public Health Club, the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and their respective affiliates or employees. 


As the 4th President of Public Health Club (PHC), Ming Kai had invested significant amounts of time in furthering his interests in Public Health, even prior to his Presidency. 

During his time in PHC, Ming Kai passionately worked on spreading public health education and awareness within the NUS campus. One of the projects he gained satisfaction from is the mental health initiative SPECTRUM. Alongside his content development head and his team members, they motivated and supported one another through the planning and implementation of an educational workshop. With pride and confidence, Ming Kai recalled, “I was very happy when I learned that the workshop was a success.”

Throughout his time in school, his most memorable days spent in PHC were not just concentrated on a single major event but rather the simple and small moments filled with warmth: the time right before each meeting. He simply loves the time spent bonding over chats and catching up with his comrades about their lives. He believes that this creates a harmonious relationship within the team and builds teamwork amongst them. Ming Kai added on: “I hope this tradition remains even when I leave.

After graduating with a 2nd major in public health in 2022, Ming Kai continues with his endeavours in the public health sector, now working as a population health research officer. His career involves “understanding the underlying causes of health issues in the population, as well as identifying effective interventions to address them”. This includes “designing and conducting research studies to evaluate the impact of interventions on health outcomes, and elucidating the effective methods of implementing interventions”.

My job is essential in contributing to the overall improvement of the health and well-being of Singapore's population. It helps to inform the public health interventions in Singapore, to justify public health funding, and to better allocate these resources in the public health field.”, Ming Kai shared.

In explaining how his 2nd major and Club experience complements his current job, Ming Kai highlighted the beneficence of the technical skills (e.g. statistical analysis and research methods) and communication skills which have greatly helped him adapt to his current career. The intellectual training in school offered him wider perspectives on public health, which enabled him to thrive in his present career. 

Ming Kai has indeed come far. From his time in PHC and his undergraduate education to currently as a population health research officer, the education received has equipped him with the skills to better understand and address public health issues for his career today. We wish him all the best in furthering his interests in the area!

We express our gratitude to the staff advisors at Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Dr Andre Matthias Müller and Ms Wendy Tan Mei Ling, for their guidance and support provided to us in the PHC Alumni Relations Interview Series (AY2022/2023).

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